More About Me

Maximizing returns for investors and homeowners.

I have been an investor in single-family and multi-family real-estate in Seattle for more than 15 years. Professionally, I’ve served as a leasing agent, bookkeeper, renovation project manager, and property manager for large and small management companies and developers before joining Windermere Property Management.

Through first-hand experience, I’ve gained an understanding of the challenges and opportunities that landlords face, so I work hard to ensure you get the most out of your property. I strive to maximize the return on your investment and safeguard your property’s value —and help you avoid the pitfalls and liabilities of being a landlord. Beyond the breadth of experience I offer, I’m a very conscientious person who makes sure the smallest details are covered.

Supported by the outstanding team at Windermere Property Management, I work with owners throughout the entire leasing process, preparing properties for leasing, marketing your property, securing qualified tenants, and managing your property long term.

Please call me to discuss our Full Management and lease-only programs.